Friday, July 4, 2008

Media communication theories
Critical theorists argue that the media reflect and reproduce only those ideas,meanings and values that uphold the interests of the power elite and that they silence opposing views.
1) Media hegomony (Antonia Gramsci)- media messages keep powerless groups from making their ideas known. The diverse variety of ideas and choices is actually an illusion. There is only a dominant ideology.
2) Media Determinism(Marshall Mcluhan)-"The medium is the message". The belief that the channel through which a message is transmitted is as important as the message itself and that the channel usually determines which messages will be transmitted and which will be ignored. Each medium is individualised and has its own internal logic and it will affect how we experience the world. Some examples would be print media having linear logic and television having mosaic logic.
3) Spiral of silence(Elizabeth Noelle-Neumann)-It talks about people with the tendency to refrain from expressing their views and ideas they may seem unpopular to others. The ones who think that their ideas are popular would voice out,the minority will remain silent. Therefore, it leads to a one sided notice.
4) Cultivation theory(George Gerbner)- Thi talks about how long term television viewing actually affects viewers' beliefs about social reality.There's two sub categories under this which is firstly, mainstreaming that talks about media being able to create a way of looking at the world that will one day become a common held view by many.
Whereas,reasonance is when viewers get a double dose effect because what they view on TV corresponds with what they experience.


Quinn said...

Hi there,
I've really learnt alot from this particular post. Thanks so much for sharing with us such valuable information.
I'm not too well-versed in media communication theories, but i'll just share some of my insights.

In regards to the first theory 1) Media hegomony: it is very true that only the powerful gets to speak and transmit their ideas through media. They have money and status, which makes it easy for them to broadcast their ideas. On the other hand, the powerless would have absolutely no say, no share in the big picture. It's unfair, but it's true.

The other theory that I find very interesting is the third one 3) Spiral of silence. People from the minority group might be ashamed to express their ideas, especially if it is not widely or easily accepted from others. Because they might be afraid to face criticism. Just as how you have concluded for this particular theory, it leads to a one sided notice.

Very good anylasis of the different theories!

Unknown said...


I agree with the previous comment that you have provided lots of info on media communication theories.

Very knowledgeable! I'm impressed =)

HUIYUN- said...

I did not know that there are actually theories concerning Media Communications. I only knew it today. Thank you for sharing.

jane- said...

i think all the media theories play an important role in our everyday life. not to mention, the people who came up with these theories are great people. without these theories, people would probably still be dealing with the media the way that we are dealing with it now, just that we wouldn't know what we were actually doing i guess. so thankfully for these theories, we now know more clearly what we are doing! ;D