Future of new communication technologies (going global and mobile)
New media are basically extensions of old media and therefore, we will be able to notice the difference between the cell phones of today and tommorow. It would have undergone a revamp and turn out to be revised, replaced or reinvented.
-By Kent German, CNET.comJun 10, 2008-
Almost one year after the original Apple iPhone went on sale in the US, Apple CEO Steve Jobs has announced a 3G version of the device, finally putting to rest months of rumors and speculation. While some of the rumors panned out, other rumors, like the addition of a 32GB model, fizzled. The addition of 3G support is a big win. If data speeds hold up as Jobs demonstrated, the new iPhone really will put the Internet in your pocket. The new iPhone will go on sale July 11 in selected countries including the US, Japan, Hong Kong and Australia.

Some data for Nokia 3310 model:
3G- No
Bluetooth- No
Infrared port- No
3G- No
Bluetooth- No
Infrared port- No

The difference between these two mobile phones are really distinct. These days, one usually at least have a basic handphone with infrared-red or bluetooth to send pictures,photographs and music. Most people can afford to purchase a phone with 3G technology too.
Nowadays, it is easy and quick to communicate with others,look up information,make appointments through new medias like mobile phones,computers,blogs,informative websites,Youtube and many more.
Many outcomes,negative and positive can be derived from the arrival of these new and improved media technologies. Some of which are access to more information, faster speed to get them, invasion of privacy, greater dependence due to these new and complex mediums available for usuage, information overload, credibility.
Hi would you like to tell me in ur personal experience how has newer technologies affect yr life?
is it good or hard to catch up with the trend? Do people look to these "trends" as a opportunity to be in the "in" crowd and how the branding or the advertisement affects how receptible the newer technologies will become?
for me, i used to use mp3, but after sony ericsson has an invention such as a mp3 handphone. I used that as a subsitute, 2 products at the price of one!
Sure! Newer technologies has impacted my life greatly, i used to own an mp3 mobile phone too and was so reluctant to buy an mp4 to listen to music because i already had my mobile phone,like what you said!- 2 benefits in one! how amazing is that! i remember how i used to try to follow the trends of upgrading my mobile phone because my friends were using the latest models, and being young, i would beg my dad to buy new models for e every,maybe say 3 to 4 months? so i would agree to a large extent that trends an branding do affect how receptible newer technologies become.
Hi.. actually I was thinking about whether we should use the word 'new' for any of the 'new technology' 'invented'.
It's like programmers and researchers been carrying out the same 'old' research? As in everything that is labelled 'new' isn't actually as new as it is. It is just a mere copy of technology of ANOTHER product or reamendment made onto the same old product (not to mention
the model changing, it's more of a redundant significacy).
By the end of the day, every single 'technology' would merge and become one? e.g. Mobile phones that can be used to watch tv programmes, whilst some time later, some mobile tvs would be able to make phone calls??
Eventually, there'll be nothing 'new' anymore since everything of everything would be combined into 'one' thing, that has every technology in the world?
Just some two cents?
Yes, I agree with the use of modern technology such as the ownership of mobile phones. I still remember when I was younger, people usually own a pager instead of a mobile phone.
the word 'new' has indeed been overused and perhaps wrongly used in some instances. Merging of 2 technologies,that is already in the market,into a single product could actualy be described as, re-invented,renewed or improved.
However, if its a new product with some older technologies within, and some new features are added to it, it could be termed as new?
Well, mobile phones have indeed become increasingly pervasive throughout the world at the turn of the 20th century, including the developing countries such as India & China. With technological advancements, the term 'global village' is encapsulated in the idea of being free from boundaries and barriers which used to impede long distance communication. It is therefore natural to constantly improve and enhance this device to increase efficiency and effectiveness of communication. Also, support for other services and functions, including the ones mentioned in the iPhone 3G, has enhanced the overall experience and convenience of having information right at one's fingertips, seamlessly integrating entertainment and productivity into a single device.
I agree that the new technologies has impacted my life greatly. Recently, I dropped my phone and it die on me.
These few days I have been using my brother's phone, apparently the camera pixels and functions have vast difference to my W805i. It was so hard to managed.
my phone has been so dear to me that it has a negative effect of being to dependent on it.
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