Thursday, July 10, 2008

Future of new communication technologies (going global and mobile)

New media are basically extensions of old media and therefore, we will be able to notice the difference between the cell phones of today and tommorow. It would have undergone a revamp and turn out to be revised, replaced or reinvented.

-By Kent German, CNET.comJun 10, 2008-

Almost one year after the original Apple iPhone went on sale in the US, Apple CEO Steve Jobs has announced a 3G version of the device, finally putting to rest months of rumors and speculation. While some of the rumors panned out, other rumors, like the addition of a 32GB model, fizzled. The addition of 3G support is a big win. If data speeds hold up as Jobs demonstrated, the new iPhone really will put the Internet in your pocket. The new iPhone will go on sale July 11 in selected countries including the US, Japan, Hong Kong and Australia.

Some data for Nokia 3310 model:
3G- No
Bluetooth- No
Infrared port- No

The difference between these two mobile phones are really distinct. These days, one usually at least have a basic handphone with infrared-red or bluetooth to send pictures,photographs and music. Most people can afford to purchase a phone with 3G technology too.

Nowadays, it is easy and quick to communicate with others,look up information,make appointments through new medias like mobile phones,computers,blogs,informative websites,Youtube and many more.

Many outcomes,negative and positive can be derived from the arrival of these new and improved media technologies. Some of which are access to more information, faster speed to get them, invasion of privacy, greater dependence due to these new and complex mediums available for usuage, information overload, credibility.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Media communication theories
Critical theorists argue that the media reflect and reproduce only those ideas,meanings and values that uphold the interests of the power elite and that they silence opposing views.
1) Media hegomony (Antonia Gramsci)- media messages keep powerless groups from making their ideas known. The diverse variety of ideas and choices is actually an illusion. There is only a dominant ideology.
2) Media Determinism(Marshall Mcluhan)-"The medium is the message". The belief that the channel through which a message is transmitted is as important as the message itself and that the channel usually determines which messages will be transmitted and which will be ignored. Each medium is individualised and has its own internal logic and it will affect how we experience the world. Some examples would be print media having linear logic and television having mosaic logic.
3) Spiral of silence(Elizabeth Noelle-Neumann)-It talks about people with the tendency to refrain from expressing their views and ideas they may seem unpopular to others. The ones who think that their ideas are popular would voice out,the minority will remain silent. Therefore, it leads to a one sided notice.
4) Cultivation theory(George Gerbner)- Thi talks about how long term television viewing actually affects viewers' beliefs about social reality.There's two sub categories under this which is firstly, mainstreaming that talks about media being able to create a way of looking at the world that will one day become a common held view by many.
Whereas,reasonance is when viewers get a double dose effect because what they view on TV corresponds with what they experience.