Saturday, June 28, 2008

How media affect audiences (analysis done using media theories)

You can see the negative taglines or captions accompanying the cigarette boxes. Both talk about the negative effects that will happen if you smoke.
Some of us would not be affected by this message while some may, depending on the perspective we view this advertisement. Some may be reminded to quit smoking because of this constant reminder whenever they take one out to lit. Some may just ignore the message printed there or get so used to seeing it, that it no longer matters to them.

Therefore, media influences and affects audiences by the setting of their agenda, production of hegemonic messages, cultivation of worldviews and the affecting cognitive practices and expectations.

At the same time, audiences do have their own ways of resisting media too. This can be done through selective processing, the conducting of oppositional readings and the usuage of media for individual gratification.

Firstly, i will talk about the powerful effects theory. People who believe in this model are passive receivers who accept media messages at face value and unconciously allow media sources to tell them what to think.

However, for the limited effects theory, the audience interprets messages according to their own pre-existing beliefs and values before using them in unique ways. The receivers are active processors who are capable of defending themselves against media influences.

Personally, i would choose the limited effects theory, but sometimes, circumstances may cause me to subconciously employ the powerful effects theory.


gold_bangle said...

hey! I'm interested to find out more if you can share abt this topic with more illustrations? Like for example some positive and some negative experiences you had experienced yourself? =)

Quinn said...

From this particular post, I conclude that no matter how powerful media is, there also some limitations to it. Using your example on cigarette packs, these smokers have already been so addicted and drawn to the world of smoking that they have totally shut themselves from all these negative tag lines, captions or images which show what harm can smoking to do them. I suppose media will only be useful if the audience are receptive and open minded to whatever you are presenting to them.

All in all, I think this is a very good post as you have clearly shown a example as well defined both "powerful effects theory" and "limited effects theory".

Unknown said...

Personally, don't you think that media is too exaggerated at times. I wouldn't be surprised if viewers just read, watch or hear it with a pinch of salt. The two effects you mentioned in your post, i would prefer the limited effects theory. At least as a viewer and consumer i know that it is my choice if i chose to believe the message. However in powerful effects theory, it makes me feel like I'm being brainwashed.

Anyways, thanks for presenting to us a two-sided view on the effects of media on audiences.

You rock!

AmandaCWL said...

Yup, the media has been trying its best to change undesirable habits. But what I think is, it has more negative effects on the audience rather than positive ones.

I would say each theory has different effects on people. Sadly enough, the "powerful effects theory" influences people more if it is something negative. Eg: fastfood, beauty/slimming centres, etc. Whereas the "limited effect theory" does not have a great impact on the audience. Just by taking the cigarettes as an example, most people have been ignoring those kinda ads and sticking to their own "belief". Those people probably convince themselves by thinking nothing will happen to their health or that they are not addicted to tobacco, they just smoke for social purposes.

Louisa Althea Tay said...

hmmm.. i personally never smoked before,but kind of dislike smoking because i was accidentally 'entangled' in some smoking incident in school before, whereby ,my principal assumed that i was out smoking with some friends and they called my parents. This would be something negative for me.

HUIYUN- said...

I strongly agree that media always does have an impact to the society and its people. That is why the media plays an important role to groom our next generation of people, or rather I would say youngsters nowadays.

vonne said...

i agree with you that mass media does play a very large role in influencing the society. Mass media is a means by which people look for ideas, directions of how they should do things or live life. Mass media conveys how society perceive matters. From there, people may adopt the thinking and perspective.

i feel that you have pretty good arguements, looking forward to seeing more posts.

Quinn said...

I think media does influence the viewers in some way or other.. No matter which effect it uses- Limited or powerful effects.

Anonymous said...

The media has always have vast and wide influences over people, having been extremely successful to play on people's mindsets, prevailing society culture and habits and using all of them to its advantages. However, I believe there is so much that the media can do IF the people allow THEMSELVES to think like that. Perhaps because of the stereotypes that are so entrenched in people, or the very backgrounds we grew up in have led us to think that wow, "actors and actresses lead glamorous lives". Or the petty gains that we can get from signing up the latest credit card will entitle us a shot at the luxurious car which had more than a 10sec screen time. People's mindsets are easy to play upon, and the media has certainly used this to its advantage by its offer of quick returns. The increasing queue lengths at local 4D shops have just shown how willing people are to convince themselves that the 10, 20 dollars they fork out will earn them another shot at huge reward. As such, wherever media paints a picture for us, I think the best policy is still to take things with a pinch of salt and perhaps to stay clear of stereotypes and biasness before passing the final verdict on the issue.

k r i s t y . w said...

I don't really think the powerful effects theory will work on many people, unless they are naive, unquestioning, or willing to change their thoughts to suit the media source's wish. xDD How many people would actually be willing to do that, especially the rebellious youths and young adults around me?

Most people should be affected by the limited effects theory, I would think. Especially because people tend to only believe whatever they want to believe, and look for evidences and situations tt support their own viewpoints.

What the media sources should focus on instead is to make their message so powerful and persuasive that people, even those normally under the limited effects theory's influence, will be affected by it and change their opinion. After all, I doubt even the meekest person will change their opinion after just reading a cliche line or two about how smoking is bad for you. If they do change their minds however, then maybe it is my own limited viewpoint that will prevent me from ever fathoming that such a thing will ever happen.

Louisa Althea Tay said...

In regards to mass media conveying what the society perceives, i agree to that to a certain extent. i agree because media is influential enough to affect people very often. However, there are some who will not be influenced and still have their own stand.