Friday, May 30, 2008

Non verbal communication

This is a picture of two children in a school bus, on their way to the excursion venue. They were caught unaware when i took this photograph. Being toddlers of the age of two, their speech was not yet fully developed according to milestones. But they are the best of friends in school, which i'm sure anyone is able to tell just by looking at the above picture.

Non verbal communication is defined as communication that occurs when a stimulus besides words creates meaning in the mind and thoughts of the communicator.

Firstly, we can see that the two of them are very comfortable around each other and are actually,under the 'intimate distance' category,when classified under Edward Hall's four zones of personal space which varies according to relational status.

They do not really bother about keeping a distance from each other or set a clear boundary.

Secondly, the actions they display, in this case we can tell that greg is poking ken's face out of playfulness and ken is feeling bashful.
I can infer from their actions that ken is definitely not angry with greg,because he is seen smiling.

Non verbal communication is very much receiver-orientated whereby its the receiver who attaches meaning to the non-verbal cues displayed.
The meaning implied is subjective and based on the person seeing it, like the saying goes ' meaning is in the eye of the beholder'.


ys said...

Non verbal communication is a way to know a person's character or attitude without another party speaking. In our everyday life, ranging from taking the bus (Eye gaze from driver) to talking to your friends (Gesture of your friends) we nearly interpret most of these movement and body position rather than what the person says or think.

Non verbal comm. is widely used in interviews for a job or entry into a certain school. They are not interested on how you sell yourself but on how confident you look.

"Give him the authority to lead and he will show his personalities" No wonder companies have three months (or less) probation period before you really start working! Cheers!

Anonymous said...

Thats true.. Non verbal communication has very much got to do with your body language. Like the definition given, it's a communication w/o the use of words. You've shown a photo which proves that non verbal communication helps in a communication..
However, we all need to understand that sometimes, nonverbal communication can lead to a miscommunication or a communication failure. Take for e.g., first impressions. Well, remember the first time you met me? I gave people the impression that i'm someone who is dao(ignorant/indifferent). People simply judge the moment they see the look on my face. Trust me, many of my best friends told me i wasnt who i was the first time they met me. I reckon you'd feel the same way too, right? =Pp
So, from the look on my face, it somehow led to a communication breakdown. Very often, people turn away when they see me, until i began to talk, they find that i ain't really the way i look. *laughs*
actually, im considering if i've crapped a lot on this entry. but well, hope you can see things from a different perspective as well. =) see you soon.

Louisa Althea Tay said...

non verbal communication is part of our everyday life and we may not even be aware that we are actually communicating with our facial expressions or body language, without the usage of words.
and yes,i agree that it may lead to miscommunications because we often do misintepret what others really meant because of assumptions.

AmandaCWL said...

Cute picture u have there!

People communicate with each other more by the non-verbal way, a lot of than the verbal way, with a 7-3 ratio.
You were very right by saying it occurs unconsiously, cause we are often unaware of the facial expression we are portraying. In a way, it also tells people a lot about our personality, etc.
anyway nice entry this is, keep up the good work!

HUIYUN- said...

I want to point out about the non-verbal communicaton picture that you have posted up. As a pre-school teacher, I agree that the two little children are using sign languages/hand signals to convey messages to each other in a friendly manner. Keep it up!