You can see the negative taglines or captions accompanying the cigarette boxes. Both talk about the negative effects that will happen if you smoke.
Some of us would not be affected by this message while some may, depending on the perspective we view this advertisement. Some may be reminded to quit smoking because of this constant reminder whenever they take one out to lit. Some may just ignore the message printed there or get so used to seeing it, that it no longer matters to them.
Therefore, media influences and affects audiences by the setting of their agenda, production of hegemonic messages, cultivation of worldviews and the affecting cognitive practices and expectations.
At the same time, audiences do have their own ways of resisting media too. This can be done through selective processing, the conducting of oppositional readings and the usuage of media for individual gratification.
Firstly, i will talk about the powerful effects theory. People who believe in this model are passive receivers who accept media messages at face value and unconciously allow media sources to tell them what to think.
However, for the limited effects theory, the audience interprets messages according to their own pre-existing beliefs and values before using them in unique ways. The receivers are active processors who are capable of defending themselves against media influences.
Personally, i would choose the limited effects theory, but sometimes, circumstances may cause me to subconciously employ the powerful effects theory.