Friday, May 30, 2008

Non verbal communication

This is a picture of two children in a school bus, on their way to the excursion venue. They were caught unaware when i took this photograph. Being toddlers of the age of two, their speech was not yet fully developed according to milestones. But they are the best of friends in school, which i'm sure anyone is able to tell just by looking at the above picture.

Non verbal communication is defined as communication that occurs when a stimulus besides words creates meaning in the mind and thoughts of the communicator.

Firstly, we can see that the two of them are very comfortable around each other and are actually,under the 'intimate distance' category,when classified under Edward Hall's four zones of personal space which varies according to relational status.

They do not really bother about keeping a distance from each other or set a clear boundary.

Secondly, the actions they display, in this case we can tell that greg is poking ken's face out of playfulness and ken is feeling bashful.
I can infer from their actions that ken is definitely not angry with greg,because he is seen smiling.

Non verbal communication is very much receiver-orientated whereby its the receiver who attaches meaning to the non-verbal cues displayed.
The meaning implied is subjective and based on the person seeing it, like the saying goes ' meaning is in the eye of the beholder'.

Friday, May 23, 2008

'Shop and Save' -Urban, by Angeline Neo.

As all of us know, 23rd May 2008. The start of "The Great Singapore Sale".
Just yesterday, I was looking through the newspaper rack and chanced upon the copy of URBAN. A paper I always enjoy reading. As i briefly browsed through it, I saw the article "Shop and Save". The writer talked about how a smart shopper would know how to choose the right stuff to buy,so that it would last from season to season. Its advice is on how to take advantage of worthy buys at a low and reasonable price and get a good deal out of the sale. Master card, the event's official credit card, which many retailers signed up with,will be offering more perks. Not excluding the tourists, shops offers exclusive privilleges and bargain buys with free gifts even.

Hence, how not to be attracted by the allure of all these perks? Oh well, just go ahead on a shopping spree,but keep in mind, your budget and be wise with your choices.

Personally,I feel that i would heed the advice of the writer because she convinced me and we seem to share the same perspective in regard to this. We all perceive our experiences in life differently from one another.

Some readers may intepret this article in another manner, because our perception is how we make sense of the world around us.

Social factors,such as culture, media and personal preferences play a big role in the formation of our perspectives.

Our decisions tend to be determined by these factors, for example, i bought a pair of boots a few months back because i was amazed by how good it looked on a model in the magazine and also another reason was that, i thought of trying out a new style. Ever since, I have not looked back and regret my choice. Instead, i'm happy and satisfied with my buy.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Baby, you’re the one. –Mother’s day special report on URBAN. By Teo Pau Lin.

This article which i chose to talk about because mother's day was just over, basically talks about how being a mother has changed certain perspective regarding how they used to regard work, entertainment, interests. Those mentioned used to be a priority that matters a lot to them, probably top on their list, but after having a baby at home, all has somehow taken second place. The new mother could just be contented to stay home with the baby for weeks. Mainly, this article talks about how the writer’s friends can all recognize which is her home unit just by finding the balcony that has baby’s laundry.

There are a few communication models that are the fundamental elements of the communication process and I believe this newspaper article is actually, using the linear model.

I can say so, because this is a written article from the sender, thus it is a through a one-way communication.

The receivers are seen as passive targets because usually, readers of newspapers will just ‘take in’ and not ‘give out’ comments straight to the senders.

Therefore, this form of communication is actually like a non-verbal form of traditional mass media which is targeted at a large audience, with the usage of any type of technology as a medium.